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Vente privée Naga BodyJewelry! - Kawaii Place piercing

Vente privée Naga BodyJewelry!

Rendez-vous le vendredi 13 décembre à partir de 14h pour une vente privée exceptionnelle de la marque de bijoux de piercing Naga BodyJewelry

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Les soins de piercings - Kawaii Place piercing

Les soins de piercings

Comment faire cicatriser son piercing frais? Que faire en cas de problème? Les réponses dans cet article.

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Quelques infos sur le piercing Smiley - Kawaii Place piercing
Actualités du shop & conseils

Some information on the Smiley piercing

The Smiley is a piercing made on the labial frenulum which is located in the center under your upper gum: It's a thin membrane, so you have to be careful with the weight of the j...

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Tu galères avec la cicatrisation de ton piercing ? - Kawaii Place piercing
Actualités du shop & conseils

Are you struggling with the healing of your piercing?

If you're having trouble healing your Helix, the reason may be below! First of all, you should know that a cartilage piercing can take up to a year to heal, that's normal, your body works at i...

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Bon à savoir avant de poser un anneau sur son helix - Kawaii Place piercing
Actualités du shop & conseils

Good to know before putting a ring on your helix

We are almost systematically asked to put a ring as a piece of jewelry at the level of the helix, the nostril, in short, the cartilages in general. And our answer is always the same: no ring as ...

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Prix des piercings - Kawaii Place piercing

Piercing prices

Our prices for piercings

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Pour l'interdiction du "pistolet à piercing" - Kawaii Place piercing
Actualités du shop & conseils

For the ban on the “piercing gun”

Today we are going to discuss gun piercing. We write piercing to make it clearer but “butchery” would have suited too. But first things first, what is a gun? It's an instrument that is...

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Histoire et Piercing - Kawaii Place piercing

History and Piercing

We often talk about piercing as a recent fashion and... That's completely false! It was a thread from @AgeMoyen on Twitter that finally motivated me to talk to you briefly about this sub...

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Un piercing anti migraine : Le Daith - Kawaii Place piercing

An anti-migraine piercing: The Daith

Let's start at the beginning: What is a daith? It is a piercing made on a particular part of the cartilage of the ear, in the image it looks like this (see image below). What is the r...

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Les idées reçues sur la cicatrisation des piercings - Kawaii Place piercing
Actualités du shop & conseils

Common ideas about healing piercings

The 90s called and they want their crappy piercing treatments back! We very (too) often provide after-sales service from unscrupulous, stingy and above all not talented piercers. It doesn'...

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